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Best Time to Visit Rose Island

Best Time To Visit Ross Island

Ross Island sometimes called Little Neil Island offers a unique experience. This uninhabited island, shrouded in historical significance, boasts intriguing ruins and a captivating natural beauty. However, the ideal time to visit Ross Island depends on your preferences for weather and exploration.

This guide explores the distinct character of each season on Ross Island, allowing you to choose the time that best suits your travel desires.

Spring (March to May): Pleasant Exploration and Clear Skies

Spring paints Ross Island in a vibrant palette, with occasional showers cleansing the landscape. The weather is pleasantly warm, with average temperatures ranging from 24°C (75°F) to 31°C (88°F). Crystal-clear skies offer ideal conditions for exploring the island’s historical ruins.


  • Comfortable Temperatures: Enjoy exploring the ruins and historical sites without excessive heat.
  • Clear Skies: Capture stunning photographs of the ruins bathed in warm sunlight.
  • Fewer Crowds: As an off-beat destination, expect even smaller crowds during this shoulder season.

Ideal for: History buffs seeking comfortable weather for exploring the ruins, photographers looking for clear skies for capturing historical details, and travelers who prefer a less crowded experience.

Things to Consider:

  • Limited Facilities: Since the island is uninhabited, there are no restaurants or shops on Ross Island. Pack necessary supplies like water and snacks beforehand.
  • Boat Tours: Visiting Ross Island is only possible through organized boat tours, which may have limited availability during weekdays.

Summer (June to August): Lush Escape with Potential Showers

Summer brings the monsoon season to Ross Island. Lush greenery engulfs the ruins, creating a mystical atmosphere. The weather can be unpredictable, with occasional heavy showers and high humidity. However, these showers usually occur in bursts, allowing you to explore the ruins in between.


  • Verdant Environs: Witness the ruins enveloped in the vibrant greenery of the monsoon season.
  • Potential for Budget-Friendly Tours: Boat tour operators might offer lower prices during the monsoon season.

Ideal for: Budget-conscious travelers seeking a unique monsoon experience, those who enjoy the beauty of rain-washed landscapes, and visitors who don’t mind the possibility of occasional showers.

Things to Consider:

  • Potential Disruptions: Heavy monsoon rains might disrupt boat tours or limit exploration of the ruins due to slippery paths.
  • Limited Visibility: Heavy rain can reduce visibility, making photography less ideal.

Autumn (September to November): Post-Monsoon Tranquility

Autumn offers a tranquil escape after the monsoon season. The skies gradually clear, and the weather becomes pleasantly warm, with average temperatures ranging from 23°C (73°F) to 29°C (84°F). The humidity levels drop, making exploration of the ruins more comfortable.


  • Comfortable Exploration: Enjoy exploring the ruins with pleasant temperatures and less humidity.
  • Clear Skies: Capture stunning photographs of the ruins under clear autumn skies.
  • Birdwatching Opportunities: Migratory birds might be spotted during this season.

Ideal for: Travelers seeking comfortable weather for exploring the ruins, photographers looking for clear skies for capturing historical details, and nature enthusiasts interested in birdwatching.

Things to Consider:

  • Transitional Season: Occasional showers might still occur during the early part of autumn.

Winter (December to February): A Cool Escape with Fewer Visitors

Winter brings the coolest weather to Ross Island, with average temperatures ranging from 19°C (66°F) to 27°C (81°F). The skies remain clear, offering stunning views of the surrounding islands. While exploring the ruins might be slightly less comfortable due to the cooler temperatures, the pleasant weather allows for detailed exploration.


  • Pleasant Weather: Enjoy comfortable temperatures for exploring the historical ruins without excessive heat.
  • Clear Skies: Capture stunning photographs of the ruins bathed in winter sunlight.
  • Fewer Visitors: Experience the island at its most serene with the fewest crowds.

Ideal for: History buffs seeking a peaceful exploration of the ruins, photographers looking for clear skies for capturing historical details, and travelers who prefer a truly secluded experience.

Things to Consider:

  • Cooler Temperatures: Pack light layers of clothing as the weather can be cooler, especially during boat journeys.
  • Limited Amenities: Remember, there are no shops or restaurants on the island, so pack accordingly.

Beyond the Seasons: Planning Your Perfect Ross Island Visit

While the seasons offer distinct experiences, Ross Island’s charm transcends the weather. Here are some additional factors to consider when planning your trip:

  • Boat Tours: As mentioned earlier, visiting Ross Island is only possible through organized boat tours departing from Port Blair. Choose a tour that aligns with your interests, such as tours with a historical focus or those offering snorkeling opportunities near the island.
  • Combining with Other Islands: Consider combining your visit to Ross Island with a trip to nearby Havelock Island or Neil Island, known for their pristine beaches and laid-back vibes. Many tour operators offer combined packages.
  • Respecting the Past: Ross Island holds historical significance. Dress modestly while visiting the ruins and refrain from taking any artifacts or disturbing the site.

Ross Island: A Step Back in Time

Ross Island, with its enigmatic ruins nestled amidst lush greenery, offers a unique experience unlike any other in the Andamans. Regardless of the season, you’re guaranteed a glimpse into the island’s intriguing past. So, pack your sense of adventure, choose the time that best suits you, and embark on a captivating journey to Ross Island.

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